Sunday, November 29, 2009

hw 25

I noticed that many stories were the same in many ways. There always was one kid wwho was the cool one that people liked, and then there was the kid stuggling to reach that level. These were similar throughoout most stories that i read.

An element of cool in some stories was beauty, while others were being rebellious and disobeying rules. These elements all were related in a way to something that most kids see on a daily basis which was interesting.

ean: your story was very interesting. i like how you show how the chaacters are sort of shallow people. overall good job.

steph: i like your story because it involes stuff that people actually do. i like how it was mainly all dialouge so you were straightfoward with what you wanted to say. overall your story was good.

leah: i like your story because your characters were introduced and had a backround to them. i like how when the two girls were next to eachother, there was a ditinct difference that you told us. overall good job.

abe: i liked your story because i found it very easy to spot the cool kids from the not so cool kids. there was a distinction between the two groups that i found intereting. also because your story can relate to some people i know which was interesting.

victor:.i like how you showed how the characters were peer pressured into doing things they didn't want to do but did it anyways, it showed how kids can be cool in another persons eyes but not feel comfortable with themselves.

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