Monday, November 16, 2009

hw 23 cool

A question that I have about cool, would be who labels you as cool or uncool and why does their opinion matter to us so much? People always have these impressions that other people's opinions matter more than their own. It's a problem that we have in America and all over the world, that if you don't look good in someone else's eyes, then you don't look good at all. That's why people are always trying to alter themselves, so that they can fit this "cool" frame that everyone is obsessed with trying to fit in to.

I think of cool as being someone who can make a good first impression and continue to make good impressions on people. I think i am pretty cool in my own way. I usually don't make bad impressions on people and that's why i think people think of me as cool, although i could be wrong. Cool can be anything, since there is such a wide variety of diverse people, anything can be considered "cool" from playing a sport to being a great reader, cool can also mean to inspire people in a way, i think when people say you are cool, you have done a little bit of that and have inspired someone in a way.

I think that people who change themselves to be considered cool in someone else's eyes is not cool at all. Being yourself is sort of the early stages of what makes you cool in the first place. I don't think making yourself uncomfortable so that someone else can judge you, is cool. If someone doesn't like you for being yourself, then there are many others that will accept you and your standards of what's cool.

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