Tuesday, December 1, 2009

hw 27 interviews

This guy was also in the park just sitting down by himself. we asked him, whats cooler, macs or pc's. quickly he said, "pc's because they have been around for longer." then we asked him, what does cool mean to you? He said, " Thats a hard question, i think being hip and trying not to go down the same path as others. someone who can go through the struggle and still come out with a smile on their face, is cool."

This was another guy in the park just sitting around, so we walked up to him and asked if he had some time for a survey, he said, "sure whatever." So what's cooler, macs or pc's? He said," macs are cooler, they are more fun. We asked, so what does cool mean to you? He said, " cool is a hard question. Being nice i guess is pretty cool." Our last question was, Do you consider yourself to be cool? He said, " i consider myself to be cool because i am a good person. i can't pinpoint cool on one thing so i don't know"

This one one of the people who My group interviewed. she was sitting in the park eating her lunch. we asked her if she wanted to be a part of a survey , and her immediate reaction was, "wait, where's this going??" we told her it was for our high school class, so she agreed. one question she was asked was, whats cooler, macs or pc's? Her response was, macs because they are for more artistic people. Another question was, What does cool mean to you? She said," Cool to me means to be fresh. to be different. style and food is cool because we live in nyc and that's a big part of new york." Our last question was, Do you think you're cool? "yea i think so. i try and embrace everything i have and always do new things. Ithink i am because i follow my own path."

One guy at the park was sitting down and was just looking around. we asked if he wasnted to be interviewed. He said sure. we asked him whats cooler, macs or pc's? he said, " macs, i don't know why. We also asked him, who is the coolest person in your life right now? He said, " my brother is, he's my best friend." Then we asked him, do you think you're cool? "yea i think so, I'm a fun guy so yea i think I am pretty cool.

Ok so my first question is, what do you think it means to be cool?

friend: to look good, to dress good and to get girls.

Do you feel like youre cool? if you do the why?

friend: hell yea man! I dress fly but not too crazy and i get girls, and i look good. Remember to say that.

haha ok whatever. Do you feel comfortable with the way that you portray yourself with clothes to make you feel cool? or do you do it to show off and get noticed?

friend: well both because I feel confident and comfortable, and to get noticed by people. To get attention.

Do you feel unique or do you feel like a follower?

friend: unique.

How do you feel unique if you dress a certain way so people can notice you. Also many people dress like you. How do you feel unique?

friend: I feel like you're interrogating me for something. I feel like you are violating my rights as an american citizen!


friend: i don't know.

Okay thanks for your time.

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