Sunday, November 1, 2009

hw 16

EQ: how has the advancement of technology affected society and the way that we live our lives?

THESIS:digital representation has created a corrupted society.

Argument 1: ways that life has become easier.

now that there is all of this technology out, people no longer have to do anything productive. The ways that our lives have become easier, is that now there are endless possibilities that technology can provide. People can now search for whatever they want on the internet. We can now view anything from the latest tech coming out, to taking a tour of a country all withing the comfort of your own homes. As technology becomes more advanced, we become lazier and we become slaves to our televisions and computers. We no longer have to go crazy thinking about anything, because if you can type in even a simple idea of what you were thinking about, our computers can basically read your minds and provide you with the information you've been looking for.

Argument 2: people no longer having to communicate physically, but virtually.

People are now finding ways to talk to people in a virtual way rather than communicating face to face. This has made people less social. now we can say anything we want via internet and be completely safe. People now can take classes over the internet, do meetings over the internet and we can chat with people now who have different identities now. even say one of the most embarrasing things over the internet may seem like not such a big deal because people cannto see your emotion over the internet and think of what you said as not a big deal. We can now write in abbreviations and people can understand what we are trying to say. People can basically run their lives and support themselves by using ther internet. We can now have alter egos and talk on headsets, life is so dependent on being virtual that we waste our lives stuck in this virtual world instead of living natural true lives.

Argument 3: People have become digitally depentent on technology and sociey relies on technology for everyday survival.

people have learned that technology is the foundation for the people of united states, without it, people can go crazy. if the stock market were to lose its technological advances, our economy would be shot.We wouldn't be able to trade with other industries, which would mean a decrease in money which would leave people without money, sort of like the great depression in the early 1900's. it is like a cycle and that every action has a reaction. so we wouldn't want to lose our digital lifestyles. People use technology for running businesses and for gertting things that we want. We wouldn't want to lose that. Another way that technology can keep us in control is that it keeps people humane. Unlike the 2003 blackout did. When that happened, people were looting stores, and starting fires in parks. It was like people were knocked back in to prehistoric ages. people slept on floors and walked for miles to get home. It was scary for people because they were trapped in this scary situation where technology failed them on a massive scale that caused mass chaos.


  1. I thought your outline was well put out and on point. You were very specific on your arguments and elaborated well. I thought your thesis was simple and staight to the point which is good. For your rough draft you might want to use useful sources in class that we use especially Feed for your argument.

  2. Matt's
    I really liked how you got into detail and wrote your arguments out. Your thesis should be a little more on point, and hit more of the main points from the unit. Don;t forget about your conclusion and tying everything back together and leaving us off with a stunning last sentence. Your off to a great start keep up the good work.
