Tuesday, October 27, 2009

hw 15 abcdef

dear leah and steph,

I really enjoyed reading your posts. you guys both showed some good understanding of the book and of digitalization in society as a whole.

A major point that both of you guys had was that when we use devices like cellphones or play video games, we don't see what is happening around us. We are unaware of our surroundings and both of your blog posts touch on the idea that people are like zombies when using technology
Your arguments can connect to mine, because you guys both say that using technology to live our lives is bad, but stopping is the hardest part considering everything in the future will become super advanced. It will be almost impossible to stop useing technology and the book feed says that and also says how people are becoming dumber each time we hook up to our "feeds."

I think one way that both of you guys can improve in your blog posts, is by writing the simple obvious ideas, but then also thinking harder to try and make better answers that will make people think. A good way to do this would be to ask questions and keep building answers on that question. I think if you guys can do this, your blogs will be very interesting and help others with their blogs.

Both of your blog posts make me think about my life and how or what kind of world my children are going to grow up in. Even the world that I'm going to grow up in. I can consider the fact that the future is going to be very dependent on these companies making things that make our lives super easy. I can't wait until the day where i can order everything online and not ever own a set of keys to my house because i will never be leaving it. If this is what our future is going to be like, It would be hard not to conform and join that sort of society because your curiousity will take over.

Thank you guys for writing your posts and i hope to read more from both of you.

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