Sunday, November 29, 2009

hw 25

I noticed that many stories were the same in many ways. There always was one kid wwho was the cool one that people liked, and then there was the kid stuggling to reach that level. These were similar throughoout most stories that i read.

An element of cool in some stories was beauty, while others were being rebellious and disobeying rules. These elements all were related in a way to something that most kids see on a daily basis which was interesting.

ean: your story was very interesting. i like how you show how the chaacters are sort of shallow people. overall good job.

steph: i like your story because it involes stuff that people actually do. i like how it was mainly all dialouge so you were straightfoward with what you wanted to say. overall your story was good.

leah: i like your story because your characters were introduced and had a backround to them. i like how when the two girls were next to eachother, there was a ditinct difference that you told us. overall good job.

abe: i liked your story because i found it very easy to spot the cool kids from the not so cool kids. there was a distinction between the two groups that i found intereting. also because your story can relate to some people i know which was interesting.

victor:.i like how you showed how the characters were peer pressured into doing things they didn't want to do but did it anyways, it showed how kids can be cool in another persons eyes but not feel comfortable with themselves.

hw 25

Monday, November 23, 2009

hw 24 story

Charlie looked around at his new class, the class of 2010. charlie being new to this school had to start off fresh, new friends, new home, new environment. "hey charlie what's up?" "umm hi, what's your name? "the name's Jonathan, but the people call me mr fresco, which means mr fresh." Oh thats a cool nickname to have. so how long u been here?" "Aww man ever since freshman year, you shoulda seen me then. all scrawny and bummy looking. things sure do change. here look at this picture from 9th grade. MADD bummy right?!" "yea yo that's funny." Yo charlie, you should think about joining the basketball team, you get your own hoodies with your nickname, and you get madd respect." Three weeks later charlie went to the tryouts not knowing what to expect. Once he walked in, there was a dead silence in the room. Kids looked like escaped convicts, but that didn't change Charlie's mind. "Yo charlie we playin' a game man, sit out and wait for next game." "oh alright jonathan." Practice finished in an hour. charlie played for 6 minutes but was so nervous that he didn't score a point. he fumbled the ball and got it stolen 4 times. He knew that he did bad and the chances of him making it were very slim to none. he felt like a loser after he walked out the gym. while everyone gave each-other props for their work, charlie just listened and wondered what he was doing there? (loudspeaker) Attention, people who tried out for the basketball team should check the bulletin board for their name." charlie goes to see. his name is all the way on the bottom of the list for people who made it. he begins to think that maybe the coach sees potential in him. the first game was so insane for charlie. he felt nervous and just wished he could be home. all of the kids were fast and loud. "coach, when can you put me in?" "Not now man you're not ready." "what you mean? i went to the tryouts, see if i do better this time, I been practicing." "The game is too close man, just sit down and watch." this was a constant thing that charlie noticed. he hadn't played one minute in any game. After every game, everyone went out with their girlfriends and looked so happy. "Hey coach, i just wanted to tell you that I'm not gonna be on the team anymore." "Why not man we need you." Nahh you need me to fill a spot, you can't go to a game with only a starting five and you know that. But its whatever man. Now you'll be down a replacement. You better make sure your team don't get hurt." "Aight whatever man you wanna quit then go ahead." BOOM. the door shuts loudly behind charlie as he realized that he didn't want to be used by anyone. he wasn't even happy to be playing, or sitting. he realized that people tend to take advantage when you make them happy. So he decided not to fold under pressure or do anything that he was uncomfortable doing. For charlie, Being an individual with a voice,  was cool.

Monday, November 16, 2009

hw 23 cool

A question that I have about cool, would be who labels you as cool or uncool and why does their opinion matter to us so much? People always have these impressions that other people's opinions matter more than their own. It's a problem that we have in America and all over the world, that if you don't look good in someone else's eyes, then you don't look good at all. That's why people are always trying to alter themselves, so that they can fit this "cool" frame that everyone is obsessed with trying to fit in to.

I think of cool as being someone who can make a good first impression and continue to make good impressions on people. I think i am pretty cool in my own way. I usually don't make bad impressions on people and that's why i think people think of me as cool, although i could be wrong. Cool can be anything, since there is such a wide variety of diverse people, anything can be considered "cool" from playing a sport to being a great reader, cool can also mean to inspire people in a way, i think when people say you are cool, you have done a little bit of that and have inspired someone in a way.

I think that people who change themselves to be considered cool in someone else's eyes is not cool at all. Being yourself is sort of the early stages of what makes you cool in the first place. I don't think making yourself uncomfortable so that someone else can judge you, is cool. If someone doesn't like you for being yourself, then there are many others that will accept you and your standards of what's cool.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

hw 21 art

I think that my art is a hammer. All of these items can represent a hammer building a new me. In the picture you can see many devices that do the same things but i have multiples of them in different colors. 4 psp's, 2 cellphones, and tons of games on my xbox and in the drawer behind it. All of these devices have changed me and have made me more and more dependent.

My art makes me think about how i am making myself dumber in a way. i feel like i am not happy even with all opf these devices to get me through a day. I think that having all of these things are not necessary but I still have them and i barely use half of these things anymore. they are just collecting dust.

The most interesting thing about my piece was that as i gathered them togethewr and took the picture, i thought about the story behind all of these items, such as the xbox being my 3rd one because myohter ones broke. Also how those 2 cellphones wwere given to me in middle school. All of these items have a story and I found it interesting that i could make a pyramid with these things and how much money is gathered up in this one picture. This was interesting to me because when i took the picture and showed it to my brother, he went, "damn, i forgot all about those things!" then i said, "I know right!?" It was just very interesting to see all of these things together.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

final paper

EQ: how has technology altered our society through the years?

Over the past 50 years, technology has advanced rapidly. In places, mainly America, technology is mostly the foundation on which we survive on. we have become so dependent on it that we cannot live without it. our society is fueled by digital representations. Everyday we are surrounded by it. No matter if we notice it, we are trapped in this digital world, which is having major effects on society, mainly the united states of America in which Digital representations have created a corrupted society throughout years.

Argument 1:
Our society has evolved immensly over 50 years. Americans now are living lives that are mainly stress free. Is technology to blame for this rapid evolution? people have easier lives than ever before. Americans are despised by many, because of the ways that we live. We can do anything with the technology that we have. Ours lives have become easy. People make a living through technology. Someone that i interviewed on the street was asked a series of questions and this was how he answered. "I spend about 10 hours a day digitally. Its like the society we live in now relies on tech. I mainly use it because i own my own business and i have to track many things and technolgy is very beneficial to me. I spend thousands of dollars a year on it as well." The man was well dressed and had a very nice phone, which can prove that people actually make their livings through tech. Also thwo other people i spoke to said that it was bad and wouldn't let their kids use it. An iteresting thing was that the people who were against tech were in nature. they were in the park selling fruits and had no digital devices in view. This may contribute to the idea of living natural good lives. These people seemed like they were living honest lives, while the guy on the street with the suit seemed kind of miserable and uncomfortable in a suit all day. This was very interesting . The possibilities are endless when we are given a digital device. We can mainly do anything that we choose to do. We can shop online, we can even get an education online. with the advancement of technology, Americans won't even have to leave their homes. We are despised for living such easy lives and watching other countires with people who work hard labor jobs barely survivng. Where do we see these things? We see mostly everything through technology. We no longer have to live like our ancestors use to. We have things now that can even think for us. Google search bars can predict what you are thinking, all you have to do, is give them the slightest idea of what you were thinking about. Now we have robots that can clean for us. The lives that we live are taken for granted and we don't even notice it.

Argument 2:
Technogical representations in America have also created a socitey where we do not have to communicate physically or socialize physically. We can now do these things in a virtual world. We have become less social and now can do all of our socializing in a virtual world. voices are almost no longer necessary. We are continuously upgrading to things that seem like they are making a difference in our lives. we get pulled in to these ads that say that this phone has faster speeds to getting messages across. Or we are looking at the sleekest looking device, even if its a crappy device. phones are becoming super advanced. phones with interent and cameras, also some with live t.v and even have room in them for games and music. All of this in one device can make people save thousands of dollars by not having to by t.v's or computers, but we buy these things anyways. The ways that these big corporations promote their products are working to perfection, if they are racking up billions, while we kill ourselves slowly, with the things they create. "phones damage key brain cells and could trigger the early onset of Alzheimer’s disease. …Researchers have found that radiation from cell phone handsets damages areas of the brain associated with learning, memory and movement." ( We do not think about ourselves when we are stimulated digitally,as long as we are happy, and interested, then we have no other worries.

Argument 3:
In America it is sort of like we need these things for survival, we don't know how to live any other way. Our economy runs on being one of the most technologically advanced things we have. Without that, we wouldn't be one of the wealthiest countries on earth. we stay on top of our game with these things. We wouldn't want to lose that. "At this moment in human history, we have no choice. We are 100% dependent on technology. Unless, of course, you want to go and harvest your food yourself by hand, have a life expectancy of 40 years old, and a child mortality rate of over 20% of live births."Technology can keep us humane. Unlike the 2003 blackout did. When that happened, people were looting stores, and starting fires in parks. It was like people were knocked back in to prehistoric ages. people slept on floors and walked for miles to get home. It was scary for people because they were trapped in this scary situation where technology failed them on a massive scale that caused mass chaos. We were knoced back to the stone ages. We survive on these digital representations, and that has created sort of an artifical society where people aren't their true selves.

opposing viewpoints:
Although technolongy can affect us in negative ways, it can also improve ur lives. We are always helping people through technology. Through our advancements in technology, we have saved millions of lives, we have improvwed medicines and we have helped people live easier lives with less stress."The constant improvement of digital technology has helped the economy while simultaneously reducing resource consumption and social communication in our age has lessened loneliness and helped people live happier lives." (Andy snyder.) this quote shows that people have become more active in talking and reaching out in the world. The advancements in terchnology have improved our lives so that we can survive for many more generations. we no longer have to worry about getting injured and having a high chance of dying. we can be treated and saved with ease, which we couldn't have done without the advancements of technology.

This can connect to the book feed, because Feed demonstrated a world of people who's survival depended on this computer that was in their heads. as we saw their world was changing. As a society they were changing as well. We saw how they were trapped in this virtual bubble where people only thought about the superficial things in their lives instead of focusing on where their actual lives were headed which was when one character violet opened up everyone's eyes on the world that they lived in. this can also relate to the movie WALL-E. This movie showed how earth was destroyed by us and we had to leave our planet untill it was cleaned up by robots. It showed how people didn't want to confront their problems, they just wanted them to be solved. It showed how we weren't aware of our surroundings until we were unplugged from our digital life.

Digital representations have created a society where people have lived dishonest lives. It has created a corrupted society by trapping each person in this virtual bubble, and has created a society that is hated by many but also a society that many thrive on. Its like we are all joined digitally and refuse to have it any other way.

Works cited:
Personal encounters

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

big paper draft revised

thesis: Dgital representation has created a corrupted society.over the past 50 years, technology has advanced rapidly. In places, mainly America, technology is mostly the foundation on which we survive on. we have become so dependent on it that we cannot live without it. our society is fueled by digital representations. Everyday we are surrounded by it. No matter if we notice it, we are trapped in this digital world, which is having major effects on society, mainly the united states of America. digital representation has created a corrupted society.

Our society has evolved immensly over 50 years. Americans now are living lives that are mainly stress free. Is technology to blame for this rapid evolution? people have easir lives than ever before. Americans are despised by many, becausae of the ways that we live. We can do anything with the technology that we have. Ours lives have become easy. People make a living through technology. Someone that i interviewed on the street was asked a series of questions and this was how he answered. "I spend about 10 hours a day digitally. Its like the society we live in now relies on tech. I mainly use it because i own my own business and i have to track many things and technolgy is very beneficial to me. I spend thousands of dollars a year on it as well." The man was well dressed and had a very nice phone, which can prove that people actually make their livings through tech. Also thwo other people i spoke to said that it was bad and wouldn't let their kids use it. An iteresting thing was that the people who were against tech were in nature. they were in the park selling fruits and had no digital devices in view. This may contribute to the idea of living natural good lives. These people seemed like they were living honest lives, while the guy on the street with the suit seemed kind of miserable and uncomfortable in a suit all day. This was very interesting . The possibilities are endless when we are given a digital device. We can mainly do anything that we choose to do. We can shop online, we can even get an education online. with the advancement of technology, Americans won't even have to leave their homes. We are despised for living such easy lives and watching other countires with people who work hard labor jobs barely survivng. Where do we see these things? We see mostly everything through technology. We no longer have to live like our ancestors use to. We have things now that can even think for us. Google search bars can predict what you are thinking, all you have to do, is give them the slightest idea of what you were thinking about. Now we have robots that can clean for us. The lives that we live are taken for granted and we don't even notice it.

technogical representations in America have also created a socitey where we do not have to communicate physically or sociaze physically. We can now do these things in a virtual world. We have become less social and now can do all of our socializing in a virtual world. voices are almost no longer necessary. We are continuously upgrading to things that seem like they are making a difference in our lives. we get pulled in to these ads that say that this phone has faster speeds to getting messages across. Or we are looking at the sleekest looking device, even if its a crappy device. phones are becoming super advanced. phones with interent and cameras, also some with live t.v and even have room in them for games and music. All of this in one device can make people save thousands of dollars by not having to by t.v's or computerwsw, but we buy these things anyways. The ways that these big corporations promote their products are working to perfection, if they are racking up billions, while we kill ourselves slowly, with the things they create. Technology has become so advance that it effects evrything. In my life, i have seen drastic changes. My grandmother use to live a very old fashioned lifestyle. She had a fan, an old radio, one t.v with antennas, even one of those rotary house phones. Over thhe past two years she has upgraded drastically. Now she has 4 t.v's in total. also she has a cellphone, and has bought me a dell computer. The most interesting thing is that she does not know how to use half of these things. I think she is sort of trying to get with the program. It's sort of like she is very good at resisting these technological devices, but only for so long.

In America it is sort of like we need these things for survival, we don't know how to live any other way. Our economy runs on being one of the most technologically advanced things we have. Without that, we wouldn't be one of the wealthiest countries on earth. we stay on top of our game with these things. We wouldn't want to lose that. Tchnology can keep us in keeps people humane. Unlike the 2003 blackout did. When that happened, people were looting stores, and starting fires in parks. It was like people were knocked back in to prehistoric ages. people slept on floors and walked for miles to get home. It was scary for people because they were trapped in this scary situation where technology failed them on a massive scale that caused mass chaos. We were knoced back to the stone ages. We survive on these digital representations, and that has created sort of an artifical society where people aren't their true selves.

digital representations have created a society where people have lived dishonest lives. It has created a corrupted society by trapping each person in this virtual bubble, and has created a society that is hated by many but also a society that many thrive on. Its like we are all joined digitally and refuse to have it any other way.

Monday, November 2, 2009

comment on stepanie's outline


I think that you have a very interesting thesis about how we are becoming brainwashed. I think if you were to elaborate on the point about places like starbucks providing internet to attract customers and more money, would be a very good point in your paper. one suggestion I have is to not say that we have turned into zombies. I think you should say that we have become entranced by technology and that we are imprisoned by technology and once it fails us we panic. overall i think you can have a potentially strong paper if you can create strong arguments.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

hw 16

EQ: how has the advancement of technology affected society and the way that we live our lives?

THESIS:digital representation has created a corrupted society.

Argument 1: ways that life has become easier.

now that there is all of this technology out, people no longer have to do anything productive. The ways that our lives have become easier, is that now there are endless possibilities that technology can provide. People can now search for whatever they want on the internet. We can now view anything from the latest tech coming out, to taking a tour of a country all withing the comfort of your own homes. As technology becomes more advanced, we become lazier and we become slaves to our televisions and computers. We no longer have to go crazy thinking about anything, because if you can type in even a simple idea of what you were thinking about, our computers can basically read your minds and provide you with the information you've been looking for.

Argument 2: people no longer having to communicate physically, but virtually.

People are now finding ways to talk to people in a virtual way rather than communicating face to face. This has made people less social. now we can say anything we want via internet and be completely safe. People now can take classes over the internet, do meetings over the internet and we can chat with people now who have different identities now. even say one of the most embarrasing things over the internet may seem like not such a big deal because people cannto see your emotion over the internet and think of what you said as not a big deal. We can now write in abbreviations and people can understand what we are trying to say. People can basically run their lives and support themselves by using ther internet. We can now have alter egos and talk on headsets, life is so dependent on being virtual that we waste our lives stuck in this virtual world instead of living natural true lives.

Argument 3: People have become digitally depentent on technology and sociey relies on technology for everyday survival.

people have learned that technology is the foundation for the people of united states, without it, people can go crazy. if the stock market were to lose its technological advances, our economy would be shot.We wouldn't be able to trade with other industries, which would mean a decrease in money which would leave people without money, sort of like the great depression in the early 1900's. it is like a cycle and that every action has a reaction. so we wouldn't want to lose our digital lifestyles. People use technology for running businesses and for gertting things that we want. We wouldn't want to lose that. Another way that technology can keep us in control is that it keeps people humane. Unlike the 2003 blackout did. When that happened, people were looting stores, and starting fires in parks. It was like people were knocked back in to prehistoric ages. people slept on floors and walked for miles to get home. It was scary for people because they were trapped in this scary situation where technology failed them on a massive scale that caused mass chaos.