Monday, April 26, 2010

hw 50 readings

Gatto reading

I feel that Gatto and his ideas on school are very interesting. I think that i would actually like school more if there were more people who thought like Gatto did. Schools shouldn't be awful places, they should be interesting and keep u awake. The ways that gatto decides to teach may be able to keep more people interested in school while learning about the outside world around them. Gatto says that schools sort of trap a students mind and sort of their ability to be free in the world.

Freire reading

This was a bit hard to interpret but i think the clearest part was the part where he talks about how the teacher is the one in control. They know everything. He sort of relates his theories to the banking ideas and the way how we are what the teachers are depositing and to me that is like the teacher teaching us, to deposit means that we are sort of being put into situations and we need to sort of live in these situations until the the teacher takes us out

Delpit reading

Delpit sort of only approaches the African American society in schools. She focuses on kids who are less fortunate than the other people that surround them in school. I agree with her that by giving a student a test, you are not seeing their brilliance. A test is sort of an intimidating factor in which it is suppose to make you memorize things within a certain time frame, and then you have to dig it back up and apply it to what you are being asked to do. she feels that a great way to see brilliance is to let the children show you their creativity. Using the arts to show that a person really is smart and they just show it n a situation that they are comfortable with.

Mr Fanning

Fanning said that computers and the age of technology is making it tougher to keep kids interested. What really struck me as interesting was how he said that this computer age is taking away books and that he was told that liberal arts isn't important. Also how he said that computers are organized in a way in which you are not focused on reading one thing, but there are readings all over the screen and that is why we struggle to read texts when they are placed in front of us. Also how there may not be anymore schools in about 20 years because this computer age will eliminate schools so that you can get your degrees at home. He also said that we do not respect our education and everything that we are taught and we take it for granted. He said that liberal arts is the foundation to learning which i agree on because liberal arts is sort of the beginning to where we begin to deepen our understanding of the world.

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