Monday, April 12, 2010

hw 48 treatment for savior/ teacher movie

A good way to start would sort of be like:
a security guard walks teacher up to his class in which nothing is ordinary and these kids are just drained from skool because their libes have gotten to a point where its time to think on their own and not follow what everyone expects of u. so the teacher walks in and is greeted by the sounds of multiple conversations bubbling up. There are papers being tossed around to most students. teacher sits down and has some inner thoughts and then realizes that he needs to impact these kids with some wise words, because he knows that these kids are going to mold the future. teacher stands up to the alphas in the class and realizes that what thes kids needed was some guidance and that setting their minds free was the key to living happier lives

another way to treat the film:
the teacher is introduced to the wrong class and the class he goes into is very obedient. he demands that they take out their notebooks and assures them that by june, he will have made them see the world differently. the teacher grew up in a rough area, he sees the kids who all look different, some come from upper classes while others are surviving on the edge, recognizing the class barrier he decides that everyone in his class is determined as one, under his reign. so he ha total control of the class and they realize that he is a smart person but something is wrong with him. Now before the teacher can hide his past, the students uncover it an shape his future.

there can also be a treatment like:
the kids are segregated into various groups and there is really no one who trust anyone in their class. the race barrier and the economic barrier becomes a major problem in his class and people begin to become victims to insults because they think they are better than most others. the teacher comes in with a very powerful story to tell the class and the students begin to realize that they have ben paying attention to the minor details in life and have not yet seen the big picture which is reveiled near yhe end of the movie. the teacher saves some students while becomin envied by others, because these kids wish they could speak the way that the teacher did. ther is a big fight and some students get the idea that, maybe the teacher is a bad influence on the students for being too outspoken and causing problems within classes.

these are just some treatment ideas for the movie that i have thought of.

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