Tuesday, April 6, 2010

hw 46 research and writing

2. my book is called "what are my rights?" it is a book all about the individual and what the law says and how we are suppose to obey and stuff. the part i was focused on was the part about schools. mainly how many kids dont like school but go anyways because of fears of what will happen in the future and that schools can use techniques of threatening students in a way to make them think twice about doing bad. the passage that stuck out to me most wast the part about ditching school and what happens if you do. the main idea of this section is to infotm the reader about the consequences of ditching school. one page includes a whole chart of salaries of a highschool graduate and of a droput, also with someone who went to a 2 year or a 4 year college. Ultimately it is telling the reader that school will benefit and basically rule what you are capable in doing in life. If you choose to dropout you will not have many positive things in your like and will have to stuggle. If you go through with school, you will have a great sucessfull life. One passage that stuck out to me was when the author added a side note about what happens in a colorado school if you decide to dropout. the passage says, " the school requires the student and his or her parents to sighn a certificate that says: " the undersigned student an guardian accept full responsibility for the listed student being a high school dropout. By signing this disclaimer, i realize that i will not have the necessary skills to survive in the twenty-first century." Most students choose to remain in school and participate in counseling or tutoring programs."
3. This was very interesting to me and it related to my topic, because when the students see that it says they may not be able to survive in the 21st century, they get scared and think of what the future will be like, so schools are sort of like a psycological institution as well. this will relate great to my topic as i can further my understanding of how schools and the people running schools are controlling our lives to a point that once they let us free, we are suppose to continue on a postive path and run society, but we threaten the people who don't do good, as we higher powers can determine the paths of our lives if we didn't attend schools, and how it scares us into staying in school and maintaining excellence.
4. this text can also relate to my topic based on the graph that is given depicting salaries and how people vary depending on how long we went to school for. I noticed that for a persom who has less than a 9th grade education, their salaries aren't even over 20,000 dollars, and for females it is less that 13,000 dollars. now these stats are from 1994 so i'm guessing they are paid a bit higher. Compared to someone who went to a 4 year college and obtaining double or triple the salary of someone below high school knowledge. These stats weren't surprising to me as of course someone with a higher education will get paid more because they have more skills, but someone with below 9th grade education can't survive a whole year, and can barely have any wants or any pleasures in their lives. obviously the threat of dropping out of school back then was way weaker than now a days where it is forced upon us to go to college and become something, or we are viewed as lower and looked down upon by friends and even family.

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