Tuesday, April 6, 2010

hw 47 class film preparation

5-10 ideas
1- i think a good idea would be to have an alpha male or female in the class, as it shows authority and a threat to the teacher.
2- the classroom should be very disorganized and not attentive to instructions at all. maybe to even have people who arent in the xlass come in and sit down, while other kids leave the class to hang out somewhere else
3- i think also having a smart person in the class will also be good because it shows that the person wants to succeed, but when put in the situation of chaos, their voice cannot be heard, and their talent cannot be seen.
4- the teacher should show dominance about halfway through the class, either by yelling, or even sitting down with the students to make the feel akward and quiet down to see if the teacher will explain what he just did
5- have some people who never listen and who walk out when they please, because their social life is more important, maybe having someone say eva's line from freedom writers
6- ultimately we should have the alpha male be broken down and admit that they want change in their life, but people expect them to maintain their way of life because that is how they have been portraying themselves for so long
7- ultimately i think the teacher should have a mini speech about what school and their lives have to do with eachother and finally the teacher is listened to and has become these student's savior.

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