Thursday, October 8, 2009

hw 11

double digital.

yesterday when i was home, I decided to see how long I could play my xbox for. My usual time is about 2 hours and the a break, then i go back. Yesterday i decided to play from when i woke up, to when i went to bed. I started off by playing call of duty world at war. This is one of my favorite games because of the variety of game modes, guns and the siplicity of the game. i played this from 11am to about 2pm. During time, i did prertty good. I rose my kidd to death ratio, i also unlocked new weapon add-ons. When i got bored of this game, I started to play guitar hero 3. Usually I play this game for about an hour for warm up,and then i play online with other xbox live users. After this first hour, my brother came in and told me to try and beat the devil oin expert. It was the last thing i had to do and i would beat the game on expert. The song was The devil went down to georgia. All I had to do was duel against the devil. he kept using power-ups every minute, while i got one every 2 minutes. This was getting me mad because he always wins this way. so i was in this focused mode and started to hit most notes which got me some power ups. This is one of the hardest songs on the game because of the combination and spped of tjhe note, plus a 5 minute guitar solo. So on my first try i beat the devil! It was a great feeling and i felt good. my brother was going crazy and he was calling me a god and stuff. i got some acheivements and felt good. It was a releif for me. So then the credits started rolling and i was excited. So i played guitar hero world tour, which is part 4. I downloaded songs and played this untill about 9:30 pm. I was happy because I felt like I acheived something.

Looking back on yesterday, I realized that I didn't accomplish anything. I realized that I am good pressing buttons on a plastic guitar. No matter how many acheivements I got for the game, It didn't help me in any way. It's not like i won a car or a thousand dollars. I wasn't aware that I was running up my electric bill and that I was isolated from the rest of my apartment for a whole day. I also noticed that yesterday I felt the laziest. I didn't feel like doing anything, not even putting the guitar away. I also felt really tired when i woke up today. I realized that for a whole day, i could have done something productive, but instead i was like trapped on my bed with an xbox controller and a bottle of gatorade.


  1. Matt's treasure hunt
    I found your homework 11 very comical. Even though you overdosed on electronics you were very open about the whole experience. I thought this was one of your better blog post because you could connect to what you were writing about and it was obvious that you enjoyed writing about it. You also got into depth about everything, you explained the new things you unlocked and i images of you playing call of duty and guitar hero. I also noticed how you didn't have very many spelling or grammar mistakes which shows you took my advice and reread your work. :)

    It was funny how after you won guitar hero you felt really accomplished but the next morning you felt like none of it mattered anymore and in the long run you accomplished nothing but maybe getting a cramp in your hand from holding a controller all day. That brings up a great point how after we do something electronically we end up not really being effected by it other then our eyes hurting or our hands burning from the cramp we get.

    I feel like your post connects to many discussions we had in class, because you brought up how you were isolated from the rest of your house when you were playing and that connects to how everyone thought that we all looked like zombies in our videos. When we get enhanced into something digital we don't pay attention to our surroundings and lose track of everything.

    You took my advice about rereading your work so i don't know what to really say to improve your post except for you can always go deeper in your ideas. If you think your done try and expand your ideas with a different point of view or add evidence to support your idea.

    You made me wonder about how much time i really spend on playing video games and how even though i may feel accomplished at that moment or for a few moments after the next day it won't mean anything to me and it doesn't help me achieve anything in life.

    I hope to read more post like this one.

  2. Dear Matt,

    Wow i really liked this post of yours. I thought it was cool and exciting the way you described how you played the games. It kind of felt like i was there. It created imagery to me. I liked how you said you weren't socially active and felt very lazy after playing i thought it was kind of funny.

    After playing Guitar Hero and Call of Duty you realized that it did not really help you, you just got a kick out of playing the game. It did not do anything for you. In addition you actually causing yourself to pay more money and you got overly excited. Playing/Doing digital things you isolated the rest of your house when you could have been doing chores or something to actually productive but instead you were wired to the Xbox.

    I can relate to you on this which is one of the reason i liked this post. When I'm at home and i got on my Internet on AIM i get so addicted to it and cannot sign off and i do not know why. Its something that is grabbing you mentally but not physically. Its kind of like the Feed. Just like you feel you do not accomplish anything from it either to I which disappoints myself nobody else. I could be busy doing other things that are worth my time.

    Next you might just read your work over for spelling mistakes. Also tell me how does this connect to other things beside yourself but with the outside world.

    This makes me think twice about digital media and question should i do it or not. There like a devil on one of my shoulders and an angel on the other. We the people do not realize how digital media is alike a black hole sucking all in it. Will it always be like this?

    I enjoyed reading your post. It was funny and interesting. Can't wait to read more! =-)
