Monday, October 19, 2009

hw 13

MT Anderson's book feed is about how this society he depicts is so hooked on the feed which is the computer that people have in their heads. the story follows a kid named titus and his friends as they live in the future and on the moon. they were shut down for a while by a hacker, but once the hack was solved, people continued their daily routine of wasting their lives surfing the net. although MT depicts futre generations in this book, it is a story based on the present generation and the ways that we are addicted to our feeds.

the books has very similar things that make me feel that MT is talking about us. the ways that he says that people barely use pens and paper except for violet, this can relate to us because now almost everyone writes emails instead of handwritten letters. this book also reflects our society because of the ways that people don't even have to communicate face to face anymore. Now that we have text message and instant messaging. We also have webcams and social networking sites. This can prevent people from ever seeing eachother out in the street because now they can converse for as long as they want in the privacy of their own homes.

I think that this book sends a message to about everyone who is digitally active. I also beleive that this book does a good job on talking trash about us without saying that it is directly. It is like a book to raise awareness on the impact that technology is having on people all around the world. Life is becoming too easy for people. Now people can get school degrees online and they can make money online. Soon there will be no need for anyone to leave their homes. That's not a good thing. I think that our society will collapse if we continue to live the ways that we do. People are having kids that are growing up to be the leaders of this country and with all of these distractions in our lives, it will be tough to support future generations.

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