Sunday, October 4, 2009

This article was about how heavy cellphone use can cause tumors in your body. The most interestig part was the way that when you use cellphones excessivly, it can increase your chances of getting a tumor by 50 percent. that was surprising to me. i think that most people are aware, but it doesnt stop them. If they paid for it, then they are going to use it. I think i have that same mind set, but not with cellphones. I barely use mine, only for texting I do.

I think my most interesting thought is that, why do we continue to buy these things if ultimately they can kill us faster? Is one 2 hour phone call really necessary? I don't think it makes sense to waste our lives on things like this. One day people are going to look back and realize how much time they wasted doing useless things. That's when they begin to say oh man life is short. I think they made their lives short.

This article was about the negative side of tv's. The article spoke about how tv's have become increasingly popular with our generation of children. It speaks about how kids are becoming lazy and how television ads provoke negative messages to chilfdren. Also how it may be brainwashing us.

I think an interesting thin that i thought of is how advanced will tv's get? we alreadyhave hd and 70 inch tv's. what else can be next? I think that the next generation of kids are going to have probably the coolest tv's. they would probably have tv's in sunglasses. I already saw a tv inside a watch. it was like a prototype created by japanese people. it was projected on like a thin plastic . It looked awesome.

This article was about the positive effects of video games. It stated that sometimes playing games can improve your logic. They can also relieve stress by some miracle. It really didn't go into detail with that. It also said that playing tougher games can be more effective for stress relief. I guess it's because when you conquer a mission, it feels good.

An interesting thing i thought about was how are video games going to be in the future? will it be like that movie surrogates, where people can live life in a virtual chair and anu=ything the ever wanted without no consequences, if so, i hope that I am alive to see that. I really think it would be awesome.

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