Monday, December 14, 2009

hw 29 merchants of cool

Is it evil to help the corporations to manipulate the minds of young people for the sake of profit?

This a very interesting question to me. These companies are said to be harming our youth by putting out these messages that advertise anything they choose to please. As long as you are able to see, then you will be manipulated and engulfed in this wave of ads.  Today, now that t.v.'s are a worldwide phenomenon and this idea of cool has erupted into a massive necessity for millions,  although it is evil, it cannot and will not stop. by helping the corporations to manipulate minds of young people is what keeps our country running. Without this, our economy will tank and many people will be left without jobs, so in a way, it is safer to to be evil than it is to be good.

Should advertising to young people be banned? Up to what age? Or all ages?

Advertising to young people should be banned. I think that kids will soon learn enough about how our society runs, when the become older, i don't think its ok for people to advertise to young kids because that is how kids become spoiled and grow up wanting everything they see. These companies survive on children and their needs. Toy companies are always advertising because if not, they will become bankrupt. It is an ongoing cycle for people. When you have kids, expect one of the first things they see, to be an ad, especially if they are watching tv. This cannot be banned. If it had to be banned, i think that it should be banned until you are at least 20 years old, so that now everything you want, should be worked for and not just given to you, but then again you will want so much more because you have missed out on many years, but it will also be hard to get what you want especially if your jobs suck. It won't matter what ages it is banned at, people will grow up wanting more and more

What specific manipulation techniques work best on the specific insecurities and emotional needs of young people, according toMerchants of Cool?

a technique that always works on people is to throw a party. to hype something up and to generate a buzz always seems to work, because of many reasons. It makes insecurities go away for a short time in your life. Like in the video during the sprite party. People were dancing and on camera. They felt cool for that 20  seconds of spotlight and all they thought about was promoting yourself as cool. Since you were there dancing with cameras around you and listening to the coolest songs, you don't feel insecure anymore, because you weren't there but your friend was. Also to create a product based on a couple of peoples likes, is also a way for companies to make money and manipulate us. They create a product based on what people really like to see. Such as the new droid cell phone. The ads were attacking apple saying that their product was way cooler because it does things that the "iphone don't" This proved as a pretty effective technique because it struck the minds of people since the commercials didn't show the cell phone. it only had a website. When i went to the site, they didn't show the phone. all together, nobody saw the phone until the release of it. This was the most interesting thing i noticed. the company was smart in knowing that people on verizon will buy the phone because of suspense around it. Then when people got it, they weren't happy so, people are getting angry, while verizon still controls you and laughs in your face with your money in their pockets.

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