Tuesday, October 27, 2009

hw 15 abcdef

dear leah and steph,

I really enjoyed reading your posts. you guys both showed some good understanding of the book and of digitalization in society as a whole.

A major point that both of you guys had was that when we use devices like cellphones or play video games, we don't see what is happening around us. We are unaware of our surroundings and both of your blog posts touch on the idea that people are like zombies when using technology
Your arguments can connect to mine, because you guys both say that using technology to live our lives is bad, but stopping is the hardest part considering everything in the future will become super advanced. It will be almost impossible to stop useing technology and the book feed says that and also says how people are becoming dumber each time we hook up to our "feeds."

I think one way that both of you guys can improve in your blog posts, is by writing the simple obvious ideas, but then also thinking harder to try and make better answers that will make people think. A good way to do this would be to ask questions and keep building answers on that question. I think if you guys can do this, your blogs will be very interesting and help others with their blogs.

Both of your blog posts make me think about my life and how or what kind of world my children are going to grow up in. Even the world that I'm going to grow up in. I can consider the fact that the future is going to be very dependent on these companies making things that make our lives super easy. I can't wait until the day where i can order everything online and not ever own a set of keys to my house because i will never be leaving it. If this is what our future is going to be like, It would be hard not to conform and join that sort of society because your curiousity will take over.

Thank you guys for writing your posts and i hope to read more from both of you.

Monday, October 26, 2009

hw 14

I found this article on video games to be quite interesting. One of the points in this article was that reading for fun has declined over the past couple years and that we have to teach our kids that reading is going to be beneficial to us in the future. The author also says that parents and teachers shoulfd help their kids develop an appetite for reading and.

Another point that was brought up and on e that i agree on, is that havong good reading skills, will be helpful when searching for a job. More job opritunities arise when people see that you are a good reader, because if you are a good reader, that may mean that you are a good speaker as well.

my mix of reactions to the text was that, the author had very strong opinions about reading vs video games. i thought that when he purposly used an alternative viewpoint now staitng that video games were better than books, was pretty intertesting. The point he brought up about people being silexic and how books just project that disablility while video games don't was a good point.

the author of this text contradicted the book feed because he says that reading is good. Reading will be very helpful in the future and is a great way to spend your time, while feed says that digital is the way to live, basically saying that nobody wants to read books anymore, its not brag. Another point that the author of feed is making is that the future is run by technology and that people have been hypnotized, thinking that they are living normal lives, while one character in the book, violet, can see through all of the things that people find good. violet speaks out against the feed and the way that it works. The line that struck me most in the short excerpt, was the the line, " remind me why this is fun?" i thought that this could relate to the way violet felt with her feed and how life was too easy. It also contradicts the feed, because the people with feeds wouldn't be askinfg htemselves why using the feed is fun. They are too dumb to think for themselves, even at a simple question like this which I bet the have no answer to.

Monday, October 19, 2009

hw 13

MT Anderson's book feed is about how this society he depicts is so hooked on the feed which is the computer that people have in their heads. the story follows a kid named titus and his friends as they live in the future and on the moon. they were shut down for a while by a hacker, but once the hack was solved, people continued their daily routine of wasting their lives surfing the net. although MT depicts futre generations in this book, it is a story based on the present generation and the ways that we are addicted to our feeds.

the books has very similar things that make me feel that MT is talking about us. the ways that he says that people barely use pens and paper except for violet, this can relate to us because now almost everyone writes emails instead of handwritten letters. this book also reflects our society because of the ways that people don't even have to communicate face to face anymore. Now that we have text message and instant messaging. We also have webcams and social networking sites. This can prevent people from ever seeing eachother out in the street because now they can converse for as long as they want in the privacy of their own homes.

I think that this book sends a message to about everyone who is digitally active. I also beleive that this book does a good job on talking trash about us without saying that it is directly. It is like a book to raise awareness on the impact that technology is having on people all around the world. Life is becoming too easy for people. Now people can get school degrees online and they can make money online. Soon there will be no need for anyone to leave their homes. That's not a good thing. I think that our society will collapse if we continue to live the ways that we do. People are having kids that are growing up to be the leaders of this country and with all of these distractions in our lives, it will be tough to support future generations.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

hw 12

The book feed represents kids as dependent on their feeds, which is in their heads. I think this book paints a good picture on what teens are like in present day. It shows that kids or teens can be affected greatly, when they lose one of the most important things. In the book, the most imprtant thing was the internet and how the people were able to find an answer to mostly anything. They could also search anything and basically converse with their feeds. Once their feeds were knocked out by a hacker, the kids didn't know what to do. This is sort of like us these days. We can't live without most of the things we have now like internet and tv and cellphones. This book depicts us in an appropriate way, saying that we are too dependent on stupid things, is pretty accurate.

I think that the tragedies in this book are not involved in my life. The only one that would be important to my life would be the way that society is collapsing and we are not doing anything to stop it. We are just watching ourselves become less involved in the world and more digitally alive that physically alive.

I think titus and his friends are living too high above everyone else and that is not a good thing to be doing. I think that if they weren't so digitally alive, they would't have the problems of being bored and feeling sort of depressed now that the feed has been downed. They seemed kind of cocky and conceited to me and i think that when the feed was hacked into, it was sort of like a good revenged and i felt like they deserved it.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

hw 11

double digital.

yesterday when i was home, I decided to see how long I could play my xbox for. My usual time is about 2 hours and the a break, then i go back. Yesterday i decided to play from when i woke up, to when i went to bed. I started off by playing call of duty world at war. This is one of my favorite games because of the variety of game modes, guns and the siplicity of the game. i played this from 11am to about 2pm. During time, i did prertty good. I rose my kidd to death ratio, i also unlocked new weapon add-ons. When i got bored of this game, I started to play guitar hero 3. Usually I play this game for about an hour for warm up,and then i play online with other xbox live users. After this first hour, my brother came in and told me to try and beat the devil oin expert. It was the last thing i had to do and i would beat the game on expert. The song was The devil went down to georgia. All I had to do was duel against the devil. he kept using power-ups every minute, while i got one every 2 minutes. This was getting me mad because he always wins this way. so i was in this focused mode and started to hit most notes which got me some power ups. This is one of the hardest songs on the game because of the combination and spped of tjhe note, plus a 5 minute guitar solo. So on my first try i beat the devil! It was a great feeling and i felt good. my brother was going crazy and he was calling me a god and stuff. i got some acheivements and felt good. It was a releif for me. So then the credits started rolling and i was excited. So i played guitar hero world tour, which is part 4. I downloaded songs and played this untill about 9:30 pm. I was happy because I felt like I acheived something.

Looking back on yesterday, I realized that I didn't accomplish anything. I realized that I am good pressing buttons on a plastic guitar. No matter how many acheivements I got for the game, It didn't help me in any way. It's not like i won a car or a thousand dollars. I wasn't aware that I was running up my electric bill and that I was isolated from the rest of my apartment for a whole day. I also noticed that yesterday I felt the laziest. I didn't feel like doing anything, not even putting the guitar away. I also felt really tired when i woke up today. I realized that for a whole day, i could have done something productive, but instead i was like trapped on my bed with an xbox controller and a bottle of gatorade.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


This article was about how heavy cellphone use can cause tumors in your body. The most interestig part was the way that when you use cellphones excessivly, it can increase your chances of getting a tumor by 50 percent. that was surprising to me. i think that most people are aware, but it doesnt stop them. If they paid for it, then they are going to use it. I think i have that same mind set, but not with cellphones. I barely use mine, only for texting I do.

I think my most interesting thought is that, why do we continue to buy these things if ultimately they can kill us faster? Is one 2 hour phone call really necessary? I don't think it makes sense to waste our lives on things like this. One day people are going to look back and realize how much time they wasted doing useless things. That's when they begin to say oh man life is short. I think they made their lives short.


This article was about the negative side of tv's. The article spoke about how tv's have become increasingly popular with our generation of children. It speaks about how kids are becoming lazy and how television ads provoke negative messages to chilfdren. Also how it may be brainwashing us.

I think an interesting thin that i thought of is how advanced will tv's get? we alreadyhave hd and 70 inch tv's. what else can be next? I think that the next generation of kids are going to have probably the coolest tv's. they would probably have tv's in sunglasses. I already saw a tv inside a watch. it was like a prototype created by japanese people. it was projected on like a thin plastic . It looked awesome.


This article was about the positive effects of video games. It stated that sometimes playing games can improve your logic. They can also relieve stress by some miracle. It really didn't go into detail with that. It also said that playing tougher games can be more effective for stress relief. I guess it's because when you conquer a mission, it feels good.

An interesting thing i thought about was how are video games going to be in the future? will it be like that movie surrogates, where people can live life in a virtual chair and anu=ything the ever wanted without no consequences, if so, i hope that I am alive to see that. I really think it would be awesome.