Friday, September 11, 2009

my thoughts on our digital use.

The generation that we live in now is addicted to digital things.Whether its a phone that we use or its a television. people have advanced over the yers and that has created the society that we live in now where parents can ask their children to set up their cable or their internet connection. Children today have become more technologically advanced. Now is when all of these viruses are spreading through our computers. When most people didn't own a computer, there were no harmful viruses spreading. i think now that all of these digital gadgets are coming out and spreading to younger kids, one day they will grow up to be kind of dumber in a way. Most devices that people use today think for us. Like on my remote that has a button that says last. if i change the channel and forget what channel i was on previously, pressing this button will switch the channel that i was watching previously. computers also have the ability to do this by correcting your spelling for you. i think all of this was made for the lazy generation which is what we live in today. i actually think one day our world will end up like the movie WALL-E. these companies just make new products that keep the money flowing to them. one day, people won't ever have to leave their homes. Now they have this thing where you can order food online! I really don't understand how someone is that lazy. Sometimes using a digital device is good. Like for me i can search a friend on Facebook that i haven't seen in years, and i can automatically see their profile and start sending them messages. I love that i can do that because it sometimes brings back memories for me and that's cool to me. i wonder sometimes what earth would be like without many of the devices we have today. maybe without all of these gadgets, we can slow down the rate of global warming. maybe people can save some money because i know now i am wasting some much money on my cable bill and its really stressful for my parents. i think i can save so much money if i didn't have half the gadgets that i have now. i think society will be destroyed one day in the future by someone who creates something that ultimately consumes us and keeps us as it's prisoners , kind of like in the movie I- robot. in the society we live in, a world without any digital devices would be chaotic. if someone were to take away all the devices that we use, our society wouldn't be able to function. our economy would fail. connecting with relatives or friends would be tougher. i think that the world was better when the digital era was in its infant stages. people were smarter. people went outside to socialize. now we have web-cams and instant messaging. as i said before, kids are becoming way too smart in this digital area and really not focused on any schoolwork. i think it is messing up our society.


  1. Your thoughts on what the digital world is doing to us was very interesting. I noticed how you used mulitple examples to back up your ideas, like the refrence back to computers and all the viruses an how we every computer has spell check to help us out. I agree with you on how the younger generation is to electronically developed and how us as a society wouldn't be able to function with out the use of electronics. When you said the statement about our generation/ society turning in to the movie WALL E it showed that your listend during our class disscusion and usesed what we talked about in class as a refrence for your blog. A good way to improve your blog post is to just reread your work, because some things you wrote were in the wrong tense. While reading your post i thought a lot about how even as a teenager i spend a ton of time texting and on the computer when i should actually be doing my homework or studying, but even as i move on grade wise the teachers are getting a lot more technically advanced. Which make it easier to get distracted instead of working. I really enjoyed reading your post it kept me interested and kept me wanting to read more.

  2. I aprecitate you taking the time to rad my blog and comment on it. i liked how you used anothe movie to relate it to my blog. i felt like you understood my post well.

    I thought when you wrote that i had to proofread my work, it was a helpful ti[ because I never proofread anything that I write. I will definitely be doing that in my next blog post.

    My main focus in this blog was to write about basically how we are corrupted by digitalization and how we aren't making any progress in any other way then to create new things and buy new things that we think makes us happy but it is only a temporary happiness.

    It seems like we can relate our ideas because of when you said that we spend tons of time doing things that make no difference. i think that our ideas vary a bit because i also talk about how society wounldn't function properly. I felt like you were commenting on the present while although i did the same thing, i also spoke about what i think the future will be like.

    I liked how we both wondered about our future generation and what it will be like. I think that we also agreed on the fact that kids are no longer interested in learnig. they just want to be entertained and what better waty than sitting in front of a tv playing a game or watching your favorite show?

  3. matt

    I really like reading your post about your thoughts on digital and electronic media. one of the parts i like about your post was when you were connecting WALL E to life right now with digital stuff and how we might end up going the same path with the movie, where we dont even have to leave our house to do stuff that eletranics takes care of everything. The other thing i really agree with is when you were talking about your cable box and how you were paying alot of money for it, that there is a price tag when it comes to new electronic things and how we always end up spending alot of money for the new stuff.I enjoyed reading your post and i see that there are alot of things we see in common about digital and electronic media i hope to read more post from you.

  4. Matthew,

    Please add paragraph breaks and change the color scheme to dark text and light background, so the site is more readable.
