Thursday, September 17, 2009

hw 4 triangular comments 1

Ean,I enjoyed reading your post. I liked jhow you said that people need to learn to step away and take a break from it.your thoughts about how things can be one sided was interesting because it made me wonder that maybew everything we hear or see can be ficticious and how it is just there to consume our minds and captivate us so we will contiue to buy, see, or listen to these things.i can connect your idea on things being one sided to a situation that i hear of all the time, gossip. gossip spreads through moistly everything. mouth, cellphone, email, and television. i think that this isn't good because it changes the ways thaat we think about certain situations.i think that one thing you should do next time to develop your ideas would be to explain more about how digital and electronic media is bad for us, and how it can promote things, such as violence or how it makes us become dumber.Your post made me consider that if people slowed down their use of electronics or timed their daily use, it would be beneficial to them and our planet. It's sort of like an every action has a reaction. if we use our devices a lot, the battery dies, we charge it, we consume more energy etc..i enjoyed your post and look forward to reading future posts you have.

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