Wednesday, May 19, 2010

hw 57 parenting

I think that kids should be parented to be thinking at a young age. to not be too snobby and all about attention. Also i think that kids should be soley parented by the parent and not outside family, becuase that will mess with the child's mind if they are and they will sort of want to swtich sides if they like a different person's parenting rather than yours.

ALso the social arrangements can be family, but the fa,ily has to be set guidelins by the parent so that they are raised the way that you want to.

I think a child should be taught to love but they should also be taught to be an individual and that even though family matters, most of the time you are going to run yourself, so you should be smart at a young age and is able to apply the to their life.

The best part of the parenting that i had was that i was taught to love and that family is always going to be around. Also that i have many places or had many places and people that could have raised me. I learned a lot from the people who raised me, some of the people werent my favorite, but they all cared about me.

i think that i would be a great loving parent, sort of like the guest speaker Rob seems to be. Someone who cares for the child, but wants to raise them sort of differently than the ways that majority of the population is raised. i want the baby to live an organic life, with not too much of anything

I think babies shouldnt be treated like adults, but as young teens. That way i think they will grow up faster, and mature quicker.

Parenting to me may come naturally. I take care of my baby cousin sometimes and even though sometimesd he is out of control, i t only takes little efforts to calm the child. I think that the first few months or years will be hard because the baby will cry and not know anything. I may ask my family to help in most cases but i will have the most say in my childs life, and dont plan to have a child until im way older, well at least mid 30's.

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