Monday, January 25, 2010

hw 37 cool paper

cool has been and idea that many try to immitate. the ideas of cool can be anything that a person ggrew up around or something that a person admires. It is almost impossible to reach the highest levels of cool though, because society doesn't let you. People always find new ways to make cool escalate into a competition in a way. In a way this idea of cool runs our society, especially in America, and mainly New York, where cool can be perceived as anything. cool is like a chain reaction, and our society runs on the idea of cool, mainly on an economic scale, and also a social acception scale.

In America people love the idea of altering themselves to be more interesting or socially accepted. However they try to be noticed, most of the times, it works. Plastic surgery is one of the biggest things that people love getting, they alter their look, therefore seeming more interesting and becoming noticed, which gives them the cool persona that we all desire. With plastic surgery though, it becomes permanent, just like tattoos do. Plastic surgery also racked in millions of dollars last year and is always generating millions of dollars. "In the past, plastic surgery generated over 8 billion dollars for surgical procedures.(" This shows how people alter themselves to seem cooler. Now in this day and age there are so many ways that people can sort of transform themselves. When people do this, they can also influence others to follow in their footsteps, depending on how that person wants to live. Plastic surgery is one way that our country runs. doctors are getting padi millions of dollars everywhere to perform surgery. They end up spending more money on more supplies to keep up with the demands of people. Then those people with surgery consume more things such as accessories to complete their beauty and coolness. So it is never eending, also ffeeding in to our economic situation.

In America, mainly speaking about New York city, fashion is a big money maker. There are signs everywhere telling us to buy this and that, but these billboards that we see always seem to be missing the prices of the items. This is interesting to me. We are intriged with the advertisements until we actually go to the store. We look around and finally see the item, It can be one of the most expensive things in the store, We will buy either this item or an item like it, so that we can walk out with a bag from that store signifying that we have money to spend on these things and also signifying that we are cool. When we walk into a store, we buy things too signify our coolness and our belonging to a group of people. These trends are very visible with the more luxurious brands, such as gucci and louis vuitton. We see these ads, that signify nothing at all, yet we love going to shop at these places because it signifies our financial status and that we are cool. Even though that person just spent 600 dollars on a pair of gucci shoes, they don't care because they know that if people notice, they automatically become a symbol. I read an article explaining why these high end ddesigners price so much and the article states that, " louis vuitton is made of high quality boa, camel and crocodile skin that will be guaranteed to last you many years. (" Maybe this also explains why people buy into these items, because by buying these rare materials gathered up in one bag worth almost all of an average ameircan's paycheck, you are considered exotic and cool for purchasing something that people only dream of having. These consumptions of clothing and accesories also drives our economic system. It is like a circle. We consume to feel satisfied, the companies make money and put out better items, and we consume them again. It never ends, until we go broke and these corporations are bathing in out money, and it was all because we wanted to feel cool.

In new york city, it is especially common to follow the crowd. Mainly for kids in high schools, is where this is seen. Throughout the years, there has been an evolution of what seems cool and what doesn't. There use to be the dressing in funky colors, which was very popular. It was the old school look that came back in style, then it became a sneaker phase in which the kids with the oldest pair of air jordans was cool, if they were nice and fresh looking. I am still in this sneaker trend which to me seems to be dying out, but i personally don't think i will leave this phase. Now i notice the trend is to dress classy. Now everyone shops in the mainly caucasion stores, such as macys, bloomingdales and a bunch of shops on 5th avenue. This trend of buying polo has taken over. kids now are following the trends that hundreds of other kids follow and continue to promote. It has now become the cool thing to wear, because by wearing polo, you are following the crowd and you are seen as being in a cool state of mind. No matter how many people wear it, there is always one person who wants to follow the crowd, becuase it will boost up their statues in school. When i see kids doing this, i think about the meaning of a 90 dollar shirt, but i would sort of be a hippocrite because i am just like that kid. I wear 50 dollar shirts and 200 dollar shoes, so i can't judge them.

This idea of cool is impossible to get away from. It is what we revlove around. In america, this consumtion of goods, especially during holiday seasons, is what makes these companies able to continue to promote to use and no matter what we do, 99 percent of people cannot resist and this idea of wanting to be cool comes with thousands of superficial items to fufil that want.

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