Monday, February 22, 2010

hw 40

These are some interviews.

My brother Steven:
Question: what do you hate most about school? I hate how in my school, they have the dumbest rules, like if you skip class for more than 20 minutes, you get an in school suspension, and it goes on your transcript. like how does that look man, a freakin suspension on your record for being late. Its sad. I hate how i dont have gym either. They treat us like babies yo.

uestion: Does school help you in what you want to do when you get older? Haha, i don't even know what i wanna do yet, i think that school distracts you from thnking in for the future, and keeping you in the present, which is why i think people are lost when they get older and really end up doing things that they dont love.

My mom:
What was school like for you when you were my age? I loved school, but it was so dangerous . My friend got shot in the auditorim and he's paralyzed now. My other one died in a stabbing. I lost so many good people, and i think that was because there was no guidance. We didnt have what you guys have now. If i had computers and cellphones, and all this high tech stuff, I think that would have motivated me to do better. This is why i get mad when i see you guys come home with report cards with bad grades on it, you guys should be doing great, you don't need to carry around all the books that i had to. Everything is online. But school was good. I always loved school, but i was raised to work and i had nobody positive to follow. I guess that's why i didn't end up going to collge, rather than a couple college classes at st john's, that's all i had. If i did go to college, i would have wanted to become a social worker or practice in the medical field, but now im stuck at a place I hate. If you had a choice to go back to school would you go? Yes i would, just the process of going to work, coming home and everything in between, it is becoming impossible to go back. Maybe when you guys are all older and get jobs, i may consider it, but now, it would be impossible to manage.

Friend: So what time do you think school should start at? "Im fine with my time because i get out early anyways. I wouldnt mind if it was a bit later though. I would be more awake if it was. I hate doing work early. So do you think that what you learned in school is important in your life? " i guess some of it has to be. i mean what we do now determines where we may be in our future. There has to be some importance in what we are doing.

Brother: so why do you hate school so much? " i think school has officially become an obstacle for me. Yea it was fun for the 12 years i was in school, but now i think its time to experience the real world, and get out of this box that i have been in for so long. " Do you think that what you learn now can help you in the future? "i dont really think i need anymore math in my life. What i wanna do doesn't really invole school smarts, but more of street smarts.

Friend: SO do you think that we should get graded and labeled as a number in school? "I think that grades sucks They can't determine what i know, buy putting a number next to my name. That grade is something that is meant to scare you, but im not really intimidated by it." Are you thinking about your future and will school be beneficial in your future? " I think school is imprtant, all the good jobs look at your education and we basically survive based on how well we are educated. It's stressfull, but if you work hard, there has to be some reward at the end.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

hw 39

list of questions and ideas:

why do we have certain hours that we need to be at school for?
why do we get grades determining what we know?
why is a school year so long?
tests are threats that keep us in check and force us to do good

i really like this idea of how we are given tests throughout our learning years. How some tests have more power over others. I thought about how in elementary school i had math tests on about 320 questions that we had to solve. i was always the last kid to finish. I felt like i could never finish all these questions especially in 3 minutes. These tests scared me and sort of made me seem dumber. I felt like since i couldnt finish in the time that was give, i was below everyone else. soon enough i finished the test and felt great about myself. This test scared me, i felt like i had to learn this stuff even if it took me forever to learn. These weekely tests were ways for teachers to moniter the pace of your learning and how you work under pressure.

I Think that these quizzes are meant to intimidte kids and foce them to learn. Tests are ways for teachers to specifically see what you know. It is a way that we learn. its tough for some people because they get nervous and sometimes forget a lot of things that they studied. Now it;s even tougher and more stressful because now we have to take SAT's and a bunch of tests that can determine the next steps in our lives. In psycology class though, we spoke about how these tests such as the SAT can be major flaws in the ways that we learn. It is sort of impossible to study for the SAT, becuase all you know is that there is math and english, we know nothing specifically like what equations to use.This is a test that tests your cleverness and the ways that you can work around something. This is the only ways you are able to actually study, this is maybe one reason why im not stressing the SAT so much, because maybe studying wouldn't help me. So by taking 300 dollar SAT courses when i can buy a 20 dollar SAT book, and scoring about the same or below average, can show me that those 300 dollars maybe wasn't a good investment. This idea of tests intimidating kids, is no longer intimidating to me, i know that im smart in my own categories, and a bookelt with a score on it is sort of labeling to me, so even if i fail 30 tests this year, its all good, because i personally dont like taking test. So this idea of tests as threats to learn and intimdate kids, doesn't really bother me too much

Monday, February 8, 2010

hw 38 cool link

Abraham's blog should have the video up

artist's statement: the project was intended to show how the coolest kids sometimes have a weakness and how that weakness is never shown to people who the are around the most, but people who they do not know on a deeper level, sort of like someone to say hi to, but not to start a complete conversation with.

i think i may have a career as an actor. I contributed my standing there looking cool with my kidrobot hoodie and gucci glasses. i thought i looked way cooler than jace (no offense) but the point of it was that anyone can be cool, it just doesn't have to be what people view on the outside, but the person that you portray yourself as.

i actually think hat doing art is cool, i like seeing how creative people get, and how they can get their thoughts out into a picture or a video for people to see. Art is cool because it is another way to show how you feel instead of just saying it, you can put a twist on your thoughts and back it up with your own original work